Save a dog,
train a human
Communicate and coexist in a mutually loving relationship with your canine
Breathe, Focus, Love Your Dog
OUR MISSION …is to replace the communication blockages between your pet and you with a language of love.
I train YOU to execute cues of basic life skills (sit/down, come, leave-it, stay, wait, etc.). You’ll learn to communicate, and coexist in a mutually loving relationship with your pup or adult canine.
Having trouble with your dog being okay around other people or other dogs? Remember aggressiveness is a false label many times. There could be a trigger causing, what we call, reactivity. Instead of vicious, your dog could just be annoyed, uncomfortable, overstimulated, all 3 or something else. I absolutely do reactive work, depending on severity. A reactive dog could just need focus work, sometimes more.
Need someone to just show you how to get the dog to walk properly or "stay" for more than a split sec? I’ve got you covered.
Have a brand new puppy and you need the key to the mint? Lol pups are my specialty!
You’ll also learn about nutrition, how the dog actually learns, and the REAL emotions a dog can go through (I promise dogs aren’t vindictive or spiteful).
I teach with love and patience only. No choke chains or pinch collars...no shock or pain involved! You'll learn to get the dog to respond voluntarily through patience, positive feedback, and consistency (WORK). Believe me, the dog would prefer not to walk on eggshells around you, so let’s make sure to vocalize excitedly when they do what we want! Even if it’s lying quietly or choosing not to bark or lunge at someone.
Meet John Slaughter
Y'know, in life there are just things that come naturally or are reflex… breathing, crawling, basic motor skills. Dogs and music were like this for me. While as a child I thought "rock star" was absolutely attainable (lol) for some reason, I saw dog trainers as somewhat supernatural and unattainable. Didn't even consider it…