Meet Scruffy
Scruffy is 50lbs of pure energy and with just as much love to give. However, after wild runs through the house, barking at family, and not being able to go on walks, something had to give. “My evening spot is on the couch with my legs spread out. She refused to let me do that when we first got her. She’s a leaper…She would leap from the right side of the coffee table over me to get to the other side of me and she was wild after that.” said Sally, Scruffy’s pet parent. With only a spray bottle seeming to do the trick to get Scruffy under control, Sally looked for some help.
After finding John online she hoped his approach to dog training would allow for some more peace in the home so they could truly enjoy their time with Scruffy. “He was very flexible as far as where to meet you and how or what to train them on or with or why,” said Amey, Sally’s daughter who also takes care of Scruffy, especially on walks when Sally cannot handle her. “He made it very easy,” recalled Sally.
John’s specific approach to training helped Sally and Amey understand the why behind what they were doing. “He is all about gentleness and rewards and praise.” While Scruffy’s energy was high, they began to learn that their own behavior, while well-intentioned, often contributed to only raising the levels even higher.
“I said she has a tremendous amount of respect for the water bottle and he said ‘it's not respect, it’s fear.’’’
“He really helped us understand how animals understand discipline.”
During their 3, 2-hour sessions, Sally and Amey learned just as much, if not more, than Scruffy. “He teaches you, and it's actually easier than I thought it would have been,” said Amey. Sally continued, “He said ten minutes a day to work on these things.”
Now armed with technique, understanding, and tools (not water bottles) Sally and Amey have seen a big improvement in Scruffy’s behavior.
“She was a maniac when it came to walking… She’s come along very very quickly… Calm, sit, stay, wait; she caught on pretty quick.”
“We thoroughly enjoyed working with John.”